Name For Zovirax Can You Drink Alcohol While On Medication For Herpes? The Name Of It Is Zovirax.?

Can you drink alcohol while on medication for herpes? The name of it is Zovirax.? - name for zovirax

Do not mix drugs with alcohol. You should consult your pharmacist for more information.


DeskJock... said...

Ya, right.
Drinking helped me cold haha.

phantoml... said...

I recommend not to mix drugs with alcohol. You have a better control of the label or in your local pharmacy for resistance data with acyclovir (Zovirax) and alcohol.

phantoml... said...

I recommend not to mix drugs with alcohol. You have a better control of the label or in your local pharmacy for resistance data with acyclovir (Zovirax) and alcohol.

lukestyl... said...

If he says you can not, probably can. However, I recommend you ask an important question as to a doctor instead of a group of strangers online.

alicia o said...

I have genital herpes, but I feel like an outbreak of cold sores about once every 3 months I take Zovirax drink for ~ w / no prob & W / Work within 2-3 days, I hope this helps ~ ~ (mine is in the usually due to stress, insomnia, poor nutrition)

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