Warmly Yours The Legality Of A Pet Monkey?

The legality of a pet monkey? - warmly yours

In a recent soujorn the Raj, my native guide showed me the strangest creatures. After he assured me that there had, in fact, hairy dwarfs, but these strange little creatures Kipling could write such a book, my personal mission to get one of the creatures.

Well - from a monkey of His Majesty's Government banned possession? And if so, how this law to work around? You have my personal guarantee that I did not need help from a third party) get one (the heads of decorating are my smoking room and a proof that the termination of the monkey, I treat him with respect and would love a family member ( with the exception of the woman in the attic) - although sometimes be, I put a little hat on him and made him Charleston dance, entertain my guests. Sounds fair to me to make my air too many cars to bypass the city, hiring many of these monkeys will allow the race, said of cars orCodger grounds and Manor.

Your support in this increasingly urgent question, as always, welcome very much.

Best regards,
Count Codgerton


Duchess of Chutney said...

My dear, I hasten to assure you that it is completely illegal, because there are more success encouraging. However, there is a loophole. This monkey is wearing a suit and tie, all by hand in the house ready and may be used to a little ice, cold drinks and can not get to pretend as his butler.

Big Momma said...

This is as long as you have him a Mohawk. You can style with sticky semen.

♥ Animal Luvr ♥ said...

Unfortunately, you have Gray Poupon?

Clueless said...

What color is the sky in your world

Clueless said...

What color is the sky in your world

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