South Park Quotes Polish What Are You Favorite South Park Quotes?

What are you favorite South Park quotes? - south park quotes polish

What are your favorite episodes? Who is your favorite? What do you think the most important thing is that South Park teaches us?


Eric C said...

"Oh my God!" _Mr. Slave LOL

That's my favorite quote

My favorite episode

My favorites are charactor

Kenny, Butters and Bradley

Importaint And as I learned from South Park is that you only to the world laugh. Either is fine, or something like that.

Tell the FCC! FREEDOM OF STANDARDS speech! South Park is the best program satirical AMERICA!

Like.Mil... said...

Favorite Character:

Cartman, hands down. His voice is so great and funny.

Favorite episode:

Ginger Kids

Favorite quote:

"Oh, I'm a cop and you will respect mah authoritargh!
"It is the duty of a lay man's boner in the separation of a woman in order to increase the population of the future generation" (or so)
"I'm sorry, Billy Turner, ankles tied to a stake and gave him a hacksaw. And I said that he had poisoned his milk at lunch, and the only way, the antidote to reach it in order to see through the leg.
"But mooooooooooooooooooooooom"
"This is a small beginning, that & #039; s small and sound, but I do not want to play dreidel Coz he's F * cking gay

(all Cartman)

An important thing to teach us the South Park:

You know that you are wrong, if the hippies and / or the Ku Klux Klan is on your side.

I'm Not Your Friend, Buddy said...

This is the first thing that comes to mind: ...

but there are many.

Favorite character is just Randy Marsh. Favorite episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" or "Goobacks"

It is hard to say, the most important thing we teach, but I would say it is a shining example of freedom of expression. Limit irresponsible, but it's on cable, so you can enjoy your limits. If it were not for network television or a newspaper cartoon, it would be irresponsible.

STEELERM... said...

"Respect my authority"
"Oh my God, you killed Kenny BAS *** DS
Favorite shows include sexual panda harresment, Fun With Wepoans and respect my authority.

My favorite charecter are Cartman and Kenny.

The most important things I learned from South Park

"The last thing I do before I die is the shit my pants"

"This forest is a bad place"

=] said...

"Steven McTowelie, author of a garbage fibers million ... a towel."
"... Is it in a towel."
"Why slap in the face of it, Stan, why do not send e-same-s such a thing, is not it? Butters is adorable ... walks:]
The "all sand in the vagina" Cartman vs Kyle is a big thing ... "Kyle do not itch?"
"... I would be soooo happy." JE, Craig.
And I'm a big fan of Clyde lie all the time to grieve, and today I learned something "s, and Kenny be nice.:]

My Favorite Characters ... uh, I'm always happy to Butters, and Kyle's pretty rad (I have the hat!), and Kenny is lovable and Clyde has no staffITY, and makes me smile, and Randy's late and I love it, and Craig again people, and Cartman is high, and Stan is normal, but ... Hmm, I think, if I choose, it would be ... Butter? Clyde? I DONT Knoww!

And as the death of Eric Cartman and the mystery of the urinary tract demons.
"I have the slightest idea, all two minutes!"

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